Job description
PhD candidate in Bioinformatics/Biosystems data analysis
ThreePhD candidate positions in Cell, Computational/Systems Biology and
Bioinformatics are available in the research groups of Dr Pernette
Verschure (Project Coordinator), Prof. Hans Westerhoff and Prof. Antoine
van Kampen at UvA, Faculty of Science, SILS.
PhD projects are embedded in a prestigious Marie Skłodowska Curie
Innovative Training Network entitled 'Epigenetic regulation of endocrine
therapy resistance in breast cancer: A systems medicine approach to
predict treatment outcome' Acronym: EpiPredict.
The research and training network consists of 15 European organisations
- academic institutes and companies - from 8 different countries. The
EpiPredict training network offers a unique, timely, and
multidisciplinary training and research program for 12 outstanding young
researchers. The multidisciplinary group of PhD candidates will master
and apply urgently needed new approaches to address complex diseases
taking personalized patient aspects and systems medicine into
consideration being equipped to succeed in their careers. Strong
involvement of the private sector ensures exploitation of EpiPredict
achievements and exposure to an entrepreneurial mind-set.
Project description
- MSc degree in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Informatics, Statistics, or another relevant discipline;
- strong experience with bioinformatics methods, the R statistical package, programming, databases, Unix;
- background/expertise in omics data analysis, statistics, informatics;
- strong knowledge and interest in molecular/cell biology;
- the ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and independently;
- highly motivated to pursue a career in science;
- excellent mastery of the English language;
- enthusiasm
to attend the full EpiPredict training program as offered in the
project and to actively contribute to the project aims and objectives; - enthusiasm to contribute to the dissemination of results and outreach to both specialists and the public at large;
- enthusiasm to visit one or multiple other EpiPredict organisations for a number of months for secondments (internships);
- enthusiasm to be trained by supervisors from different institutes, disciplines and sectors.
- candidates
did not reside or carry out their main activity (work, studies, etc.)
in the Netherlands for more than 12 months during the 3 years
immediately prior to the appointment date; - candidates are in the
first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their
research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree, and - candidates hold an MSc degree in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Informatics, Statistics, or another elevant discipline.
Conditions of employment
on a full-time appointment, the duration of the appointment as a Marie
Curie ITN fellow will be for a maximum period of 3 years and will, in
line with the duration of a PhD study in the Netherlands, be extended
another year according to the employment rules of the University of
Amsterdam. The appointment will be 18 months plus a further 30 months
after a positive evaluation and should lead to a dissertation (PhD
thesis). A personal Career Development Plan will be drafted that
includes the attendance of EpiPredict courses and (international)
meetings. The PhD candidate will become member of the Netherlands BioSB
graduate School, to present her/his work annually, attend the BioSB
conferences and follow the BioSB training program.
The gross
monthly salary will be according to the salary scales for PhD candidates
in the host country. It includes the Marie Curie Living Allowance and
Mobility Allowance. The Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities is
applicable. Besides the salary, the PhD candidate will obtain a
mobility allowance for the duration of the 3 years of the Marie Curie
ITN project. For the one-year extension of the appointment after the
Marie Curie project, the gross monthly salary will be according to the
salary scales of the University of Amsterdam. Positions are aimed at
being full-time, but by exception, if needed for family reasons,
part-time appointments are possible.
application deadline the relevant EpiPredict Principal Investigators
(PIs) will file a shortlist with eligible candidates to the project
coordinator based on the initial written applications.
candidates will be invited for a first round of interviews with the PI
and co-PI through teleconference. In a second round the selected
candidates are asked to present their previous (master) research, the
personal interviews will be held at the premises of the host institution
with the PI and additional video conference can take place with the
co-PI and other members of the EpiPredict supervisory board. The
recruitment criteria are listed under the general and research project
specific requirements. Each applicant’s overall researcher’s potential
is judged together with their creativity and level of independence.
Travel expenses for the candidate will be covered by the host
on a full-time appointment, the duration of the appointment as a Marie
Curie ITN fellow will be for a maximum period of 3 years and will, in
line with the duration of a PhD study in the Netherlands, be extended
another year according to the employment rules of the University of
Amsterdam. The appointment will be 18 months plus a further 30 months
after a positive evaluation and should lead to a dissertation (PhD
thesis). A personal Career Development Plan will be drafted that
includes the attendance of EpiPredict courses and (international)
meetings. The PhD candidate will become member of the Netherlands BioSB
graduate School, to present her/his work annually, attend the BioSB
conferences and follow the BioSB training program.
The gross
monthly salary will be according to the salary scales for PhD candidates
in the host country. It includes the Marie Curie Living Allowance and
Mobility Allowance. The Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities is
applicable. Besides the salary, the PhD candidate will obtain a
mobility allowance for the duration of the 3 years of the Marie Curie
ITN project. For the one-year extension of the appointment after the
Marie Curie project, the gross monthly salary will be according to the
salary scales of the University of Amsterdam. Positions are aimed at
being full-time, but by exception, if needed for family reasons,
part-time appointments are possible.
After theapplication deadline the relevant EpiPredict Principal Investigators
(PIs) will file a shortlist with eligible candidates to the project
coordinator based on the initial written applications.
candidates will be invited for a first round of interviews with the PI
and co-PI through teleconference. In a second round the selected
candidates are asked to present their previous (master) research, the
personal interviews will be held at the premises of the host institution
with the PI and additional video conference can take place with the
co-PI and other members of the EpiPredict supervisory board. The
recruitment criteria are listed under the general and research project
specific requirements. Each applicant’s overall researcher’s potential
is judged together with their creativity and level of independence.
Travel expenses for the candidate will be covered by the host
University of AmsterdamWith
over 5,000 employees, 30,000 students and a budget of more than 600
million euros, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is an intellectual hub
within the Netherlands. Teaching and research at the UvA are conducted
within seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences,
Economics and Business, Law, Science, Medicine and Dentistry. Housed
on four city campuses in or near the heart of Amsterdam, where
disciplines come together and interact, the faculties have close links
with thousands of researchers and hundreds of institutions at home and
UvA’s students and employees are independent thinkers, competent rebels
who dare to question dogmas and aren’t satisfied with easy answers and
standard solutions. To work at the UvA is to work in an independent,
creative, innovative and international climate characterised by an open
atmosphere and a genuine engagement with the city of Amsterdam and
over 5,000 employees, 30,000 students and a budget of more than 600
million euros, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is an intellectual hub
within the Netherlands. Teaching and research at the UvA are conducted
within seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences,
Economics and Business, Law, Science, Medicine and Dentistry. Housed
on four city campuses in or near the heart of Amsterdam, where
disciplines come together and interact, the faculties have close links
with thousands of researchers and hundreds of institutions at home and
UvA’s students and employees are independent thinkers, competent rebels
who dare to question dogmas and aren’t satisfied with easy answers and
standard solutions. To work at the UvA is to work in an independent,
creative, innovative and international climate characterised by an open
atmosphere and a genuine engagement with the city of Amsterdam and
Swammerdam Institute for Life SciencesThe Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS) of the University of Amsterdam is one of the loargest institutes of theFaculty of Science. Its
approximately 250 scientists and staff members work in 15 research
groups that perform excellent research centered on three themes:
approximately 250 scientists and staff members work in 15 research
groups that perform excellent research centered on three themes:
- Cell & Sytems Biology;
- Neurosciences, and
- Molecular Life Sciences.