Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Job The National Museum of Art and History of the Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum - Head of the Paintings Conservation Studio

The Conservation Department of the National Museum of Art and History of the Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum is looking for a Head of the Paintings Conservation Studio, 36 hours per week

Specifications - (explanation)

LocationAmsterdam, The Netherlands
Function typesResearch, Development, Innovation, Managerial positions
Scientific fieldsNatural Sciences, Language and Culture, Painting Conservation
Hours36.0 hours per week
Salary€ 3350 - € 4666
Job numberAT Head Paintings Conservation Studio
Short link www.academictransfer.com/21314
Apply for this job within 34 days

Job description

The Rijksmuseum is an institute where a great deal of scientific research is ongoing. In this context, a clear vision is expected from you regarding the development of the field of painting conservation and how you might envision accomplishing this goal. The Painting Conservation Studio is composed of painting conservators (6 permanent positions) and a frame conservator (1 permanent position), of which you are the Head. In addition, painting conservators are appointed regularly on contract for temporary projects (currently 10 positions). You have responsibility for all conservation projects and create, in close coordination with the curatorial Head of Fine Arts, the planning regarding the pictures to be restored, as well as determining the priorities of conserving the collection in storage in Lelystad. The location of the conservation studios of the Rijksmuseum is in the Atelier Building in Amsterdam, however minor conservation treatments can also be undertaken in the studio in the Lelystad storage facility. It is furthermore your task to help devise the ambitious conservation and research planning of the entire Conservation Department.
Beside your supervisory activities you are expected to:
  • be known as a renowned and experienced (in theory and practice) painting conservator; 
  • perform scientific research on the collection together with colleagues and/or scientists. The results of which will be documented in text and images and disseminated via the web, (contributions to) books or articles in scientific journals and at symposia;
  • carefully document all undertaken treatments and to ensure and supervise the same by your colleagues in the studio;
  • oversee the physical state of the collection so that (dangerous) deterioration is recognized on time and that proper measures are (can be) undertaken.


  • MA or MS in Painting Conservation at a recognized institution (in the Netherlands: the UvA or SRAL), preference may be given for a candidate with a PhD 
  • experience performing complex conservation treatments and documentation of the results
  • extensive knowledge of restoration methodology
  • practical expertise in looking and understanding paintings and the ability to communicate
  • an extensive network in the field of conservation and research
  • a considerable number of publications from which the candidate’s enquiring attitude can clearly be discerned
  • knowledge of new, advanced analytical methods for researching paintings or painted objects
  • command of both spoken and written Dutch and English (in case Dutch is not in command, it is expected that the candidate aspires to it)
  • strong social and communicative skills
  • an analytical and problem-solving nature
  • interest in further personal development in the field
  • service oriented, flexible and stress-resistant
  • proven supervisory capabilities in which the stimulation of colleagues plays a pivotal part
An assessment of these requirements will also be done by an external agency as part of the hiring process.

Conditions of employment

The Head of the Paintings Conservation Studio shall, just as for any contract with the Rijksmuseum, initially be appointed for one year. As the function concerns a permanent position, the contract can then become a permanent one.

Salary conditions:

The salary is commensurate with training and experience, minimally € 3.350,- and maximally € 4.666,- before taxes per month (scale 12), for a full-time week of 36 hours, excluding an 8% vacation bonus and an annual end-of-the-year bonus. The collective labour agreement (CAO) for independent national museums applies.
Contract type: Temporary, one year


The National Museum of Art and History of the Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum
As the National Museum of Art and History of the Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum holds canonical collections of Netherlandish fine and applied arts and historical artefacts from the Middle Ages onwards, supplemented by important holdings of other European and Asian arts. Its principal function is to study, enhance and augment these collections and to present them for the enjoyment and benefit of a broad national and international audience. The Rijksmuseum, which is staffed by some 600 employees, was reopened on 13th April 2013 after an intensive refurbishment, and expects to attract over a million visitors per year. 


Conservation Department
The Conservation Department is located in the Atelier Building which is shared with the scientific laboratories of the Cultural Heritage Agency (Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed, RCE) and the Conservation Training Program of the University of Amsterdam. Within the Conservation Department, the following disciplines of conservation are represented: Books, Paper & Photography; Glass, Ceramics and Stone; Furniture; Metal; Paintings and Frames; and Textiles (34 permanent positions). In addition, there are 3 positions within its scientific department. The Atelier Building aspires to become a Center of Expertise and is an international meeting place in the field of conservation, restoration and conservation science.

The Rijksmuseum has a collection of around 6000 paintings with an emphasis on the Dutch 17th century “Golden Age”. The highlights are undoubtedly the works of Rembrandt, Hals, Vermeer and Steen, however there are numerous other masterpieces in the collection by, for example, Goya, and Tintoretto. The Conservation Department focusses on reaching an internationally acclaimed position in the museum field in which conservation, restoration and scientific research as performed by conservators and conservation scientists forms an essential part. 

Additional information

For further information you can contact Dr. Robert van Langh, Head of the Department of Conservation & Restoration, tel. 31-20-6747233. For questions related to the application procedure please contact Bart Schindeler, Personnel Advisor, tel. 31-20-6747324.
Agency calls not appreciated.

Keywords: Paintings conservator, Works of Art, Researcher.

Found here: https://www.academictransfer.com/employer/Rijksmuseum-Amsterdam/vacancy/21314/lang/en/?utm_source=home&utm_medium=portlet&utm_campaign=featuredjob-Rijksmuseum-21314

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