Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Jobs in Holland: Two PhD candidates in deep learning and natural language processing University of Amsterdam - Science Park Amsterdam — AcademicTransfer

Two PhD candidates in deep learning and natural language processing University of Amsterdam - Science Park Amsterdam — AcademicTransfer

PhD candidates in deep learning and natural language processing.

The positions are sought for a joint project between the Institute of Informatics (IvI) and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC).

learning has been very successful in a number of areas (e.g., computer
vision, speech processing and natural language processing). However,
there has been little work on developing deep learning methods for
predictive analysis of complex network data (e.g., social networks,
trading networks etc.). This project fills this gap and focuses on
statistical modelling of information exchange in transaction networks.
In this work we will use very large amounts of real data from a trading
network (an industrial partner) but the methods will generalize to other
types of networks where heterogeneous data is being exchanged (e.g.,
social networks). We will be developing predictive algorithms relying on
the flow of transactions in the network (e.g., various types of
recommendations as well as detection of novel and significant events).
We also seek to cluster the businesses trading over the networks as well
as the products that are being traded. As information in these networks
mostly comes in a textual form, we will develop methods for inducing
predictive semantics representations of texts relying both on the text
itself but also on the flow of information in the network.

There are 2 PhD vacancies within this project:

  • PhD1 will focus primarily on clustering and predictive modelling (affiliated with IvI, supervised by Prof. Max Welling)
  • PhD2 will focus primarily on natural language processing (affiliated with ILLC. supervised by Dr. Ivan Titov)
collaboration between the two PhD students is envisaged. The PhD
candidates will be expected to fulfil the following tasks:

  • complete and defend a PhD thesis within the official appointment duration of four years;
  • regularly
    present intermediate research results at international workshops and
    conferences, and publish them in proceedings and journals;
  • collaborate with researchers in other relevant parts of IvI and ILLC as well as with the industrial partner providing the data;
  • participate
    in the organisation of research activities and events at IvI and ILLC,
    such as conferences, workshops and joint publications;
  • assist in teaching activities at the institute they are affiliated with (IvI or ILLC).


qualifications for candidates include excellent grades, proven research
talent, affinity with machine learning, statistics and excellent
programming skills.

Specific requirements for each PhD position:

  • PhD
    1: A master’s degree in computer science or statistics (preferably with
    a specialization in artificial intelligence and/or machine learning);
  • PhD
    2: A master’s degree in computer science (preferably with a
    specialization in artificial intelligence and/or machine learning),
    applied mathematics or computational linguistics
are expected to have an excellent command of English, and good academic
writing and presentation skills. Applicants are kindly requested to
motivate why they have chosen to apply for this specific position.

Conditions of employment

appointment will be full-time (38 hours a week) for a period of four
years (initial employment is 18 months and after a positive evaluation,
the appointment will be extended further with 30 months) and should lead
to a dissertation (PhD thesis). An educational plan that includes
attendance of courses and national and international meetings will be
drafted. The PhD candidate is also expected to assist in teaching of
undergraduates. The salary is in accordance with the university
regulations for academic personnel. The salary will range from €2,125
(first year) up to a maximum of €2,717 (last year) before tax per month
(scale P) based on a full-time appointment. There are also secondary
benefits, such as 8% holiday allowance per year and the end of year
allowance of 8.3%. The Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities is applicable.

is the working language within the Informatics Institute. Moreover,
since Amsterdam is a very international city where almost everybody
speaks and understands English, candidates need not be afraid of the
language barrier.

Some of the things we have to offer:

  • very friendly, interactive and international working environment;
  • new building located near the city center (20 minutes by bicycle) of one of Europe's most beautiful and lively cities;
  • access to high-end computing facilities (e.g., cluster with 4,000+ cores).
Starting date: as soon as possible before 1 January 2016.


University of Amsterdam

over 5,000 employees, 30,000 students and a budget of more than 600
million euros, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is an intellectual hub
within the Netherlands. Teaching and research at the UvA are conducted
within seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences,
Economics and Business, Law, Science, Medicine and Dentistry. Housed
on four city campuses in or near the heart of Amsterdam, where
disciplines come together and interact, the faculties have close links
with thousands of researchers and hundreds of institutions at home and

UvA’s students and employees are independent thinkers, competent rebels
who dare to question dogmas and aren’t satisfied with easy answers and
standard solutions. To work at the UvA is to work in an independent,
creative, innovative and international climate characterised by an open
atmosphere and a genuine engagement with the city of Amsterdam and


Institute of Informatics and Institute for Logic, Language and Computation

Both the Institute of Informatics (IvI) and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) are part of the Faculty of Science  at the University of Amsterdam.
The Faculty of Science holds a leading position internationally in its
fields of research and participates in a large number of cooperative
programs with universities, research institutes and businesses. The
faculty has a student body of around 4,000 and 1,500 members of staff,
spread over eight research institutes and a number of faculty wide
support services. A considerable part of the research is made possible
by external funding from Dutch and international organizations and the
private sector. The Faculty of Science offers thirteen Bachelor's degree
programs and eighteen Master’s degree programs in the fields of the
exact sciences, computer science and information studies, and life and
earth sciences.

Since September 2010, the whole faculty has been
housed in a brand new building at the Science Park in Amsterdam. The
installment of the faculty has made the Science Park one of the largest
centers of academic research in the Netherlands.

The Informatics
Institute is one of the large research institutes with the faculty, with
a focus on complex information systems divided in two broad themes:
'Computational Systems' and 'Intelligent Systems.' The institute has a
prominent international standing and is active in a dynamic scientific
area, with a strong innovative character and an extensive portfolio of
externally funded projects.

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation ( ILLC) is a research institute at the University of Amsterdam, in which researchers from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities collaborate.
Its central research area is the study of fundamental principles of
encoding, transmission and comprehension of information. Research at
ILLC is interdisciplinary, and aims at bringing together insights from
various disciplines concerned with information and information
processing, such as logic, mathematics, computer science, linguistics,
cognitive science, artificial intelligence, musicology and philosophy.
Research is organized in three research groups: Logic and Computation (LoCo),  Logic and Language (LoLa) and Language and Computation (LaCo). Check here for
an overview of the research being carried out in the different groups.
For the research carried out by the individual staff members of ILLC,
see their personal pages via People at ILLC.

Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab (AMLAB) of IvI conducts research in the
area of large scale modelling of complex data sources. This includes the
development of new methods for probabilistic graphical models and
nonparametric Bayesian models, the development of faster (approximate)
inference and learning methods, deep learning, causal inference,
reinforcement learning and multi-agent systems and the application of
all of the above to large scale data domains in science and industry
('Big Data problems').

AMLAB is embedded in the Intelligent
Systems Lab Amsterdam (ISLA). ISLA conducts research in sensory
information processing and autonomous systems. It produces theoretically
as well as applied research. ISLA has an outstanding group of
researchers and collaborates with national and international research
institutes and companies.

Additional information

For further information regarding PhD1 you may contact:

For further information regarding PhD2 wou may contact:

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